I thought it would be cool to experience God in creation by making a snow angel. So, while I was making a snow angel I was praying to the Father, God, Allah, or whatever you choose to call Him or Her. It was then I saw a vision of Jesus, Ghandi, Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, The Buddah, the Dalai Lama, and Pope John Paul II, all sitting at the same table breaking bread together and eating together. It was amazing and clear and wonderful. It was then that I woke up in the hospital.
The details are sketchy, but this is what they told me. They found me frozen, Birkenstocks and all, in the midst of a snow angel. I had apparently been flailing about so much that I melted the snow, which froze underneath me when I began to contract hypothermia and ceased moving. Apparently I tried to get up in my altered state, but was unsuccessful. My friends found me two hours later and called the ambulance. I am glad I at least had my prayer robe on, or else I might have frozen to death in the natural if you know what I mean.
Its very unclear when I saw this vision, but it is comforting, no? I think I can take it to mean that Jesus agrees with all these other methods and that they will all wind up in the kingdom of God. After all, that is what brother Brian McClaren is beginning to articulate in his books, isn't it? I think it is pretty exciting to see a vision of the kingdom, even if it was in the throes of hypothermia. I might try it again to get a clearer picture of what God was trying to communicate.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I do not believe that this vision was from God. You must know that Jesus claimed to be the one and only Way to God. You must also be familiar with the first commandment which forbids the worship or acceptance of any other god. Are you aware that the teachings of Jesus and His followers exclude people from ALL other faiths from the kingdom of God?
Unfortunately you will most likely deconstruct these Biblical statements until you have so twisted the word of God to conform to your own lusts that all meaning will be lost.
Did you that Satan was the first one to practice deconstructionism? Do you remember the Garden of Eden? That was where God told Adam not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and that he would die if he did. Then along came that old serpent what did he do? He deconstructed what God had said! God didn't really mean that you would die...no, when He said die, what He really meant was that you would become like God. Guess what? The serpent lied and he is lying to you. God means what He says and does not mean what you want Him to mean. You must repent of this heresy!
That is so harsh and judgemental. How do you know my vision was not from God? Why should I repent? The Bible says that God so loved the world and judge not lest you be judged. You better check yourself before you get judged, Mr.! The Bhagda vita tells me to forgive, so I will, even though the Koran says I should murder you because you are an infidel!
Sir, I am not being harsh, just concerned. I will tell you this though: I do not appreciate your judgment about my judgment of your blog. You said that I better check myself before I get judged...I did get judged, by you pal! You say that you forgive me. Are you insinuating that I sinned against you and to be forgiven? Sounds pretty judgmental...
And just to set the record straight; yes, I am making a judgment of your judgment of my judgment of the content of this blog. What is your judgment of that?
I wasn't judging, just making an observation that was only relevant in the nowispast and not in the hereandnow. So my supposed judgement of your judgemental statement is in the nowispast and has norelevance or contextual footing in the hereandnow, and you may or may not be forgiven in the hereandnow, but that holds little relevance in the forevermore, where we will all be restored by God.
Here are some definitions from "The American Heritage Dictionary":
Judge: (verb) 1. To form an opinion (of). 2. To hear and decide on in a court of law; try. 3. To determine or declare after deliberation. 4. To think; suppose.
Judgment: (noun) 1. The act or process of judging. 2. The mental ability to form an opinion, distinguish relationships, or draw sound conclusions. 3. An opinion or estimate formed after due consideration. 4. A judicial decision.
Huh, maybe you are right...
Maybe you have not formed an opinion. Have you formed an opinion Eddie? You have certainly "declared", but you may lack the "deliberation" required to qualify you to "judge".
"To think"... okay you win; I won't accuse you of that one.
Eddie, do you posses "the mental ability to form an opinion"? Can you "draw sound conclusions"? Do you form your opinions (or make your observations) "after due consideration"?
It appears that judgments are simply thought out opinions. You are right, you are not judging.
(Of course these are just my humble judgments and are totally subject to your thoughtless redefining of terms and dismissal due to lack of relevance, all in the name of the God or gods of your choosing)
I don't like definitions. When you define things, you constrain things to a construct. The latin for define or definition is the same term used for box or constrain. I don't like putting God in a box, and I don't like anyone to try to put God in a box. What you are trying to relate to does not fit into my context, which is a context in which God exists outside of the time that we are in, He cannot be defined, and we only can redefine Him based on the place where we are and the cultural context in which we find ourselves.
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